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Welcome, Reading Friends. Come with me to discover the essence of a small agricultural settlement born in the late 1830s, chartered as a city while cotton still reigned in 1897. More recently, the city boomed into a vibrant, creative locale. A few townsfolk swear that last transition happened during the space of an afternoon nap. . . . Woodstock, GA, is sure to inspire your imagination as it has mine. My novels reflect the rapid changes of the last thirty years and the spirit of the people who have lived here. My blogger's wish is that you enjoy these observations on life and that you find a brief diversion from necessary preoccupations and the occasional bad habit--yes, shun that remote.
Patti Brady is a lady who loves to muse about the extraordinary--the human condition and her intriguing town.  After moving with her husband to Woodstock in 1980, she raised two sons and, later, started composing mainstream, contemporary stories set in the environs that spark her interest.